At ACT our specialised Learning for Work team can support you to get the most of the REACT+ funding available if you have recently been made redundant or are under redundancy consultation.

What is ReAct+?

ReAct+ offers tailored solutions which may include financial support, skills training and Personal Development Support to help remove barriers to employment, such as support with mental health, confidence building, language skills and more.



Aged 18+ and be a resident in Wales with a right to live and work in the UK and either:

  • Under formal notice of redundancy or
  • Been made redundant or unemployed within the last 12 months or
  • Be aged 18-24 and not in education, employment or training


ACT can work with you to access the funding and develop a learning package which will support your goals and future job opportunities.

To find out more about React + click here

Contact us to find out how we can support you:

02920 474063