Feb 2020 / Blog

Wellbeing is fast becoming a commonly used term we hear everywhere. Whether it’s advice from the medical world or tips from the self-help industry, wellbeing and its importance can be heard far and wide! This is because it is an essential tool that we must all be giving priority to, particularly employers. With research from mental health charity, Mind, showing that as many as 1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem this year, it is clear wellbeing needs to be at the forefront of any companies strategy and business model. Particularly if they are to retain healthy, happy and engaged employees. The positive outcomes gained from investing in the wellbeing of your staff are indisputable. Here’s three reasons, of many, why you should invest in the wellbeing of your employees.

Increased productivity

Not surprisingly a healthier and happier workplace results in higher levels of productivity. When we eat better and exercise more we usually feel less tired and find it much easier to focus for longer periods of time. In fact, unhealthy lifestyles are correlated to unproductive workplace habits. Employees who are physically present in the office but who are distracted or unengaged due to fatigue or health ailments tend to underperform at work. By encouraging and promoting health and wellbeing among your workforce they’re much more likely to feel motivated and engaged at work.

Reduced absenteeism

One of the most important benefits of wellbeing schemes in the workplace is their positive impact on employees and their health. Companies that promote healthier eating and exercise habits can help minimise a whole range of health concerns and ailments their workforce may experience. As well as benefitting employees directly, it also reduces the amount of time employees take off work as a consequence of poor health. This includes stress and fatigue, which research shows is one of the greatest contributors to poor health, frequently resulting in absenteeism.

Improved morale

 When your staff feel valued and supported, they start to engage and communicate with one another more. An increase in job satisfaction and stronger engagement leads to a healthier, happier work culture. The higher a team’s morale, the easier it is to weather difficult challenges and situations that every business or team will inevitable face throughout their career journey. An added benefit is that you’re also likely to see an increase in staff recruitment and retention. Your existing staff feel appreciated and are more likely to remain loyal to the company. Additionally, it is an attractive offer for potential new talent you’re seeking to hire. For those who value their health and happiness, an enticing wellbeing package can outweigh other determining factors when taking a role, even salary. As they say, you can’t put a price on happiness!  

It’s clear the benefits of employee wellness areas are widespread. Oftentimes though it can be daunting knowing where to begin to implement and embed a culture of wellbeing into your business. At ACT Training we offer an Introduction to Wellbeing course, which aims to help individuals gain an awareness of practical activities they can carry out to proactively support both themselves and their colleagues. Information is delivered in an interactive, fun and engaging, bite-size session that enables those who attend to build confidence in their ability to improve and maintain wellbeing. Head here to find out more – https://acttraining.webboxdemo.co.uk/training-courses-2017/2019/10/01/wellbeing-an-introduction-to-wellbeing/
